The Grandteacher Project

“Have the courage to do the right thing, to tell the truth; to respect, protect, and help others; to strive to do the best you can; and to be the best that you can be!

Grandteacher Morris July 17, 2013


Dr. Anne is available to consult with and to discuss this amazing classroom mentoring opportunity with educators.  Consider implementing the project in your classroom or school.

For more information, contact Dr. Anne (AKA Grand Teacher Morris) at


The Grandteacher Project

Conceptually, Grandteacher Morris is a “teaching tool.” Grandteacher Morris, AKA Dr. Anne, as students have come to know her, has appeared in schools in South Florida and in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina for over sixteen years.  In collaboration with master educator Ami Hunter Morris, M.Ed., Grandteacher Morris supports student learning in elementary schools through inspiration, motivation, and mentorship. The primary messages offered by Grandteacher Morris are basic “Read, Read, Read!”,Do your best!”, and “Never, never give up!” Grandteacher Morris is and means different things to different students.  Grandteacher Morris represents an adult in a child’s life who believes in, is safe, encourages, and cares for her or him.

The Grandteacher Project supports students in grades K-3 in under-served areas of the community. For more information on the Grandteacher Project or to invite Dr. Anne to inspire your students contact


An excerpt from … The Grandclass!

“Look! Who is peeking through the classroom window?”, asked Gracie. “Grandteacher Morris is here! Grandteacher Morris is here!”, proclaimed Edwardo! “It’s Grandteacher Morris!  It’s Grandteacher Morris!” the class shouted!   As she entered the classroom, Grandteacher asked, “Now what do I always say?”  The class responded, “READ. READ. READ!”…

Keeping promises: What the children said …

Grandteacher Morris, I wasn’t sad, but I almost cried because you came.” Grade 2

And she never broke a promise, never ever.” Grade 2

Reading: What the children said …

You made me feel like you were my 3rd grandmother. You the best Grandteacher I could ever have I will never forget you because you inspired me by telling me to Read, Read, Read.” Grade 2

Pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket, a student said, “I always kept the letter you wrote to me.” Grade 1

Note: Grandteacher now writes 4-5 letters a year to every class. Each student receives a copy.


About Grandteacher Morris: What the children said …

The thing that was cool about having a Grandteacher … I had a nice women by my side. It was cool because she was like family to me. She gave me and my class presents. You mean a lot to me you. You are special and important to me, just like Miss Morris.” Grade 3

The thing I like best about having a Grandteacher was finding all the books you sent us. I feel like I was a book searcher looking for the books you gave us.” Grade 3

Note: For fourteen years, Grandteacher Morris sent books to each Grandclass to be added to the class library. In the inside cover of each book, Grandteacher Morris wrote an inspiration about the book, about the author, or about the illustrator.  Always Grandteacher Morris urged students to “Read. Read. Read!”


Dream BIG!

Our BIG INSPIRATION for the Grandteacher Project is to grow the concept into not only the children’s book, “The Grandclass” but to expand the project to include the development of training programs for master educators and counselors, who will also partner with educators to inspire the future!


“Mirrors and Affirmations”

Presented at Cook Elementary School, Winston-Salem, NC

Dr. Anne Sourbeer Morris AKA Grandteacher Morris

Grandteacher Morris is a Futures Inspired Project

February 15, 2013

Note: After introductory discussion, each student is given a mirror and a copy of “Mirrors and Affirmations.” The Grandteacher reads the affirmation to the class and then the class reads the affirmation in unison, after follow-up discussion, each student individually shares her or his own positive affirmation with the teacher and Grandteacher.

I look in the mirror and who do I see?

I see a super student looking back at me!

I see a fabulous first grader!

I see a lively learner!

I see a ready reader!

I see a studious student!

Hey, wait … That student is me!

I can learn!

I can read, read, read!

I can try my best each day!

I am a super student!

Yes I am!